segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012


His Excellency,
Honorable Ambassador,
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
SEN Av das Nações Lt 05,
CEP: 70800-400
Brasília - DF.
Dear Sir,
Letter of Introduction / Request for travelling visa.
I hereby introduce and present Mr. Washington Luiz de Jesus (Babalawo) Journalist, Professor and Religious Coordinator and Leader at Egbe Ifa Ajebowaba Yoruba Traditional and Religious Temple in Uberlandia, MG – Brazil.
He will be guest of Centro Cultural Yoruba/ Ijo Orunmila-Templo de Ifa, Rio de Janeiro and His Eminence, Araba ati Olu Isese Agbaye, Chief Adisa Mokanranwale Aworeni, Spiritual Leader of all Traditional Religion practitioners  Worldwide at Oketase, Ile Ife, Osun – State – Nigeria on Cultural, Religious and Tourism purposes between 20th  January - 29th  January,2012.
It is pertinent to mention that the History of the Yoruba ethnic group and their millennium culture which comes  from the borders of the River Niger is said to be historic origin of many different African ethnic groups  vis- a- vis  the History of the Kingdom of Ile Ife is deeply rooted in antiques  time.
Archeological findings revealed existence of human beings in many parts of Yoruba land in some caves dated back to year 900BC.
Mythological, Ile Ife was said to be the Origin of LIFE as contained in the Ifa Literary Corpus.
It is worthy of note to equally add that this ethnic group command multi-ethnic influence of great proportion in all levels mainly in the Cultural and artistic area of human endeavors all over the world, hence it has been declared World Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO, therefore,
various organizations and religious bodies are trying to put correct certainty to many irregularities associated with the Yoruba Culture, Religion and Tradition in the Diaspora.
However, there is no gainsaying the fact that Babalawo Washington Luiz de Jesus, through his Egbe Ifa Ajebowaba Yoruba Traditional and Religious Temple in Uberlandia, MG – Brazil, has been contributing immensely to the development and growth of  Yoruba Culture, Tradition and Religion in Brazil in particular and Latin America in general.
I hereby solicit for the approval of his travelling visa to Nigeria during this period.
It should be noted that all logistics as regards his visit to Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria during this period has been adequately put in place.
Thanking you in anticipation for your kind approval.
Accept my warmest regards.
Yours sincerely.

Chief Fola Oludare Ayodele
Centro Cultural Yoruba, Rio de Janeiro.

Contact in Nigeria:
1. Araba and Olu Isese Agbaye,
Chief Adisa Mokanranwale Aworeni,
Oketase, Ile Ife, Osun-State-Nigeria.
2. Mrs. F.M.  Ayodele,
1st Bank Nig PLC,
Ebutte-Metta, Lagos-Nigeria.

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